Tanita BC-1500 InnerScan Pro: FDA-Cleared Multi-Frequency Wireless Body Analyzer


Tanita introduces the BC-1500 InnerScan PRO, the world’s first and only consumer product line offering multi-frequency, radio-wireless body composition measurements. The product uses advanced technology to measure body composition including muscle mass, body fat percentage in each arm, each leg, and the trunk area. The device uses innovative retractable hand grip electrodes and standard feet electrodes to provide a segmental review of the body, offering more information than standard body composition monitors. The BC-1500 InnerScan PRO sends the data to a personal computer using the HealthyEdge Lite Software, which records, analyzes, graphs, and prints body composition data. This technology provides significant accuracy and precision, offering 30 full body and segmental measurements to help monitor physique changes and body balance. Tanita’s ISO 9001 manufacturing assures quality, reliability, and accuracy. The product is FDA cleared and uses ANT+ technology, making it a powerful tool for monitoring fitness and health goals.
