Oral Sensory Spinner and Toothies Tool


TalkTools offers a variety of oral sensory tools and products, such as the TalkTools Sensi, Honey Bear Cup, Chewy, and Bite Blocks. These products are BPA-free, phthalate-free, lead-free, kid-friendly, easy to clean, and non-toxic. The company was founded in 1995 and aims to help individuals with oral placement, speech, and feeding disorders reach their greatest potential through tools, techniques, and training. The products are designed to help individuals with sensory processing disorders improve their quality of life, participate in daily activities, and develop better oral motor function and responsiveness to sensory information. TalkTools emphasizes customer satisfaction and offers a money-back guarantee for those who are not fully satisfied with their products. The company’s mission is to empower individuals of all ages and connect parents, caregivers, and therapists to an uplifting community of professionals and peers. FDA Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
