Omron 3 Series Wrist BP Monitor


The OMRON 3 SERIES WRIST MONITOR is an easy-to-use device that captures blood pressure readings, irregular heartbeats, and body movement during measurement. It features a Hypertension Indicator that displays a “HIGH” symbol if the systolic or diastolic measurements reach certain levels. The monitor can store up to 60 readings for review and utilizes advanced averaging technology to display the average of the last 3 readings taken within 10 minutes. The product dimensions are 3.66 x 0.78 x 2.44 inches and it requires 2 AAA batteries. The monitor fits adult wrists ranging from 5.3″ to 8.5″ in circumference and includes a Cuff Wrap Guide. Omron is a recommended brand by doctors and pharmacists for clinically accurate home monitoring. It’s important to note that blood pressure varies constantly due to various factors such as stress and time of day, and how the cuff is wrapped may affect the readings.
