MobileDetect Residue Detection Multi-Drug Test Kit


The Rapid Multi-Drug Detection Kit offers a discreet and efficient solution for detecting drug residue in schools, homes, or businesses. It provides accurate and trustworthy results, eliminating the possibility of inaccurate readings. The compact design of the kit makes it easy to use, store, and transport, and no special training or expensive equipment is required. The testing process involves swabbing the surface with two swabs and then inserting them into the kit’s pouch. After crushing the ampoules and shaking, the swabs are pushed down to ensure the test pad is covered with chemicals. The results can be interpreted in 30-60 seconds and can also be scanned using the “Mobile Detect” app. The kit is compact, measuring 4.96 x 2.87 x 0.35 inches, and is a sealed system that eliminates contamination. It is a convenient and reliable option for personal or professional use.
