Medilax Keto Test and Glucose Meter Kit with 60 Blood Ketone and Sugar Strips & 120 Lancets


The content is about a brand that offers a Ketone & Sugar Meter Kit and Medilax Test Strips Kit for testing glucose and ketone levels. The kit includes 60 count blood sugar test strips, 60 count blood ketosis test strips, and 120 pieces of 28G blood sample collection lancets. The blood collection requires a small 0.8μL blood sample and features a super-thin 0.36mm blood lancet for minimal pain. The gold electrodes in the test strips can absorb blood samples faster, providing results within 5 seconds for glucose and 10 seconds for ketone. The kit is designed for self-testing at home and comes with a full replenishment set, making it convenient for users. The results are quick to read and accurate, allowing users to monitor their glucose and ketone levels efficiently.
