Lipoprotein(a) Cholesterol Test Kit: Private, Fast & Certified


LetsGetChecked provides accessible healthcare with the goal of helping people worldwide. They offer a range of at-home testing kits and have performed nearly 10 million tests. The company’s founder and CEO, Peter Foley, was inspired by his personal experience to revolutionize the healthcare system. They ensure the security and confidentiality of user information and only share information when required by law. Results are typically available in 2-5 business days and can be viewed on the LetsGetChecked dashboard. The at-home testing kits are easy to use and include access to board-certified physicians and clinical support for guidance. Results are private and secure, with easy-to-understand health reports provided. LetsGetChecked also offers testing for Lipoprotein(a), which may be recommended based on the individual’s medical history.
