Home Ranger Premium Shoulder Pulley System


PrePak Products Inc. offers a range of expertly crafted rehab and fitness tools to aid in faster recovery and rehabilitation. The Web Slide, ExerBand, and Home Ranger products are designed to provide resistance variety and make rehab and fitness routines easier. The Web Slide system includes shoulder pulleys, resistance tubes, and an exercise guide for a comprehensive rehab treatment. The high-quality resistance tubes from ExerBand enable over 25 resistance exercises to be performed, while the Home Ranger shoulder pulleys are designed to aid in recovery from frozen shoulder, rotator cuff surgery, mastectomy, or stroke. The products are rigorously tested for strength, durability, and effectiveness, and come with features such as a self-lubricating pulley, custom braided rope, and ergonomic handles. These tools are designed to provide superior performance and ease of use, making them worth the investment for those seeking a variety of exercises and rehab treatments.
