DMI Exercise Pulley Set for Enhanced Mobility


The DMI Shoulder Pulley for physical therapy is a door pulley that allows individuals to conveniently do physical therapy exercises at home to increase their range of motion and improve their quality of life. It is easy to use, can be used seated in a chair or standing, and is simple to attach to doors in under a minute. This shoulder pulley helps improve range of motion, strength, mobility, and flexibility, and is beneficial for conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder syndrome, rotator cuff injury, capsulitis, and bursitis. The pulley works bilaterally for symmetrical results and comes with basic traction hardware that fits over most doors. It is a great tool for post-surgery recovery, injuries, or general improvement of strength, mobility, and flexibility. The door pulley measures 15.5 by 2.1 by 6.9 inches, weighs 2 pounds, and attaches to most doors in under a minute.
