Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Home Test Kit (CLIA Certified)


The product being described is a home testing kit for high-risk infections in men, designed to test for infections in the throat, rectal, and genital areas. The test can be done at home and the kit arrives in a discreet package. The process of collecting and mailing your sample takes only 5 minutes, with no appointments or hassle required. The product is easy to use and offers quick online results, as well as physician consultations in the case of a positive result. The kit also includes a pre-paid postage return envelope for the sample. The manufacturer, myLAB Box, provides professional customer service and 100% lab certified results to assist with continued sexual health. The item dimensions are 6.5 x 4.5 x 3 inches and the item model number is MLB_003SITECGM. The product is available for purchase online and was first introduced on September 27, 2016.

