ALRIER Breath Trainer for Lung Health


The respiratory exercise device with 3 chambers is designed to improve lung capacity, increase respiratory strength, and facilitate deep breathing. It can be used by adults of any age and is similar to the model used by patients in pulmonary diseases clinics for breath exercises. The device can be used anywhere at any time by placing the mouthpiece in the mouth and taking deep breaths to lift the balls inside the apparatus. The goal is to keep the balls up for as long as possible. The deep breaths taken during the use of the device allow plenty of air to enter the lungs, increasing the amount of oxygen taken and positively affecting the metabolism of the cells in the tissue. It is also helpful in the discharge of the secretion formed in the lungs. The package dimensions are 6.06 x 5.75 x 2.87 inches, and the device was first available on September 20, 2022.
