AlcoHAWK PT500 Professional Portable Breathalyzer


The PT500 PT Core Fuel-Cell Technology offers a simple menu-driven operation, a 4-digit test result display, and more reliable and accurate results compared to semi-conductor breathalyzers. It is able to pick up trace amounts of alcohol and has a linear response to measured alcohol, providing more accurate and consistent results over the complete range of alcohol concentrations. The PT Core also extends the life of the sensor and allows for thousands of tests to be performed. This technology reduces false positives for individuals who are diabetic or on a low-calorie diet. It is suitable for zero-tolerance testing environments and is ideal for law enforcement, hospitals, clinics, businesses, and personal use. The PT500 includes 5 mouthpieces and requires 2 AA batteries. Its highly accurate and reliable PT Core fuel cell sensor technology makes it a suitable screening device for professional, medical, and law enforcement testing applications.

